1:00-2:00- Check-in for attendees
2:00-2:30- Mary Portzen welcome and devotion.
2:30-3:00- Introductions
3:00-3:50- Michelle Rayburn, “Write Brave and Soar High.”
Have you ever seen a chicken try to fly? It’s not exactly majestic. And some days, writing can feel the same—scratching out a few words here and there but too afraid to really spread your wings, even though you have everything you need to take flight. In this warm and lighthearted keynote, Michelle invites writers to leave the safety of the coop, silence fear, and trust God’s power to help them soar. Step forward in faith and write boldly—because the chicken coop is no place for a writer meant to be an eagle.
4:00-5:00-Mary Portzen, “Journaling for Healing, Hope, and Potential Publication.” Science supports utilizing expressive writing as a healing tool with a therapeutic value in writing out our emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Journaling isn’t just beneficial for our own mental and emotional health. In this workshop, Mary demonstrates how writers can utilize sections of their journaling as jumpstarts to published writing that can help others. Free journal provided for each attendee.
5:00-evening meal
5:45-7:00-Lights for the Path, tables set up (with a guide) for discussions related to the various topics related to writing, Guides will compile questions for Saturday’s panel.
The Fellowship Hall doors will be locked up by 7:30 pm so your things will be secure overnight.
Friday, June 13th
7:30-8:30 Check-in for attendees at Fellowship Hall, and continental breakfast.
8:30-9:00- Mary Portzen, welcome and devotion.
9:00-9:50 Michelle Rayburn, “Indie Publishing Basics.” Do you have a thriving speaking ministry but no books on your table? Or a niche book idea that doesn’t quite fit traditional publishing? Indie publishing might be the perfect path for you. In this session, you’ll get a clear introduction to setting up your own imprint, navigating the publishing process, and distributing your books to worldwide markets and bookstores. We’ll cover the essentials of professional cover design and typesetting—so your book looks polished, not self-published—and discuss what tasks you can tackle yourself and what’s worth hiring out. This session is designed for highly motivated individuals ready to take charge of their publishing journey and manage their own book projects with confidence.
9:50-10:00 Break
10:00-10:50 Mackenzie Ryan Walters, “Story Builder or Story Carver?”
Understand your unique strengths and weaknesses as you dive into your natural storytelling tendencies. The workshop includes practical tips and tricks of writing craft through the lens of the story builder or carver framework.
10:50-11:40 Julie Sunne,“I Feel Called to Write a Book, but Where Do I Start?”
You have an idea for a book, or perhaps you’ve already written one. Now what? Getting a book published can be daunting and even confusing. This workshop will alleviate some of that as we explore the nuts and bolts of book publication. In it, we’ll explore the various paths to publication, cover the basics of a book proposal, and look at an author’s toolchest of resources.
11:40-12:00 Break. Visit our bookseller, T. J.'s Christian Books, or author tables.
Noon-1:00 Lunch
12:30-12:50 (paid 20-minute consultation time with speakers, cost $25, must send up to ten pages, double spaced by May 20 to Mary Portzen,
1:00-1:20 Golf cart available to/from the Retreat Center.
1:20-2:10 Michelle Rayburn, “Writing Small Group Discussion Guides and Bible Studies.” (FELLOWSHIP HALL) Great discussion questions are the key to meaningful small group conversations—whether you’re crafting an in-depth Bible study for seasoned believers or a lighter guide for those just starting their faith journey. In this session, you’ll learn how to write open-ended, nonthreatening, and single-layered questions that spark authentic discussion. We’ll also explore how to make your content accessible for interdenominational groups and how to craft a discussion guide for the back of your book. If you want to create studies that encourage conversation and connection, this session will give you the tools to do it well.
Julie Sunne, “Podcast Guesting.” (RETREAT CENTER) Podcast guesting is a great way to expand an author’s reach. In this workshop, we’ll look at the value of podcast guesting, how to find podcasts to be on, basic equipment to use, and how to be a great guest. We’ll also briefly consider other media outlets.
2:10-2:30 Golf cart available to/from the Retreat Center.
2:30-3:20- Jolene Philo, (FELLOWSHIP HALL) “Building a Book from the Bones of Your Life.” Building a book from the bones of your life is one way of following the old adage to write what you know. In this presentation, Jolene Philo will use See Jane Dig!, the most recent book in her West River Mystery series, to show how she used the bones of her life to construct a cozy mystery about a country school teacher who investigates the potentially fatal attack at a nearby dinosaur dig. She will then offer practical tips about how you can use the artifacts of your life to construct stories that emphasize the values, lessons, and events that are at the heart of who you are and what you know to be true.
Kim Harms (RETREAT CENTER) “Writing Devotions That Sell.” Very few authors break into the publishing industry with a book contract. Devotional writing is a great way to get your foot in the door. In this workshop, Kim Harms will teach you to write devotionals that sell, provide time for in-workshop practice, and send you away with a list of places to submit your work.
3:20-3:30 Golf cart available to/from the Retreat Center.
3:30-4:45 Emily Rose Miles, “faith story” and ekphrastic writing workshop (writing inspired by a piece of art).
4:45-5:00 Mary Portzen announcements
5:00-5:45 free 15-minute consultations (up to 2 per speaker)
Please visit our bookstore (thanks to T. J.'s Christian Books) and author tables, if you haven’t already.
Doors to the Fellowship Hall will be locked at 6:00 pm so your things will be secure.
6:00 picnic supper (picnic area next to the Retreat Center, across from the office. If you don't know where this is located, just ask!)
7:00-8:30 Optional Open Sharing Time in Retreat Center living room.
Saturday, June 14th
8:00-9:00 - Gather inside the Fellowship Hall for continental breakfast.
9:00-9:15- Mary Portzen, opening devotion, announcements.
9:15-10:05- Julie Sunne, “Marketing 101 (the 10,000-foot view of getting your message out).” In this workshop, we'll take a 10,000-ft view of effective marketing for new book releases, covering the basics, such as the different ways to get the word out, the timing of different marketing phases, and what those phases entail. Attendees walk away with an overview of what marketing entails and a framework for crafting a basic marketing plan for their book.
10:05-10:55- Mackenzie Ryan, “Faith Storyteller Framework for Telling Your Story.” Pull back the curtain on the writing and revision process through the 5 steps of the Faith Storytellers Process. You’ll learn practical tips and tricks for improving your prose. You’ll also understand why some of the most accomplished writers believe that your work needs multiple drafts.
10:55-11:15 Break, Golf Cart available to/from the Retreat Center
11:15-12:05-Robyn Mulder. "Common Copyediting Conundrums." (FELLOWSHIP HALL). Everyone makes misteaks...oops, mistakes. You'll probably want to hire a professional editor to make sure your book is the very best it can be, but all of us can benefit from knowing some of the basics of editing. Robyn will share some things to look for as you read over your project for the second (or fifth or hundredth) time. You can save money if you pay an editor by the hour when you clean up some common copyediting conundrums. We'll also talk about how there's grace for all of us, even when we miss some of those pesky typos. We don't have to be perfect, in writing, and in life.
Mary Jedlicka Humston, "Let’s Talk About Poetry!" (RETREAT CENTER)
Let’s talk about how poetry is fun, challenging, and a joy. Let’s talk about the misconception that poetry is easy just because it uses fewer words than an essay or book. Let’s talk about the variety of poetry styles out there (it’s definitely not one-size-fits-all). How about sharing the different poetry markets out there? We’ll write a poem or two. If time allows, we’ll also talk about some of your poetry (feel free to bring one poem for sharing).
12:05-12:15 Golf cart rides to/from the retreat center.
12:45-1:00-free private consultations (one 15-minute per speaker)
1:15-2:15- Guided question/answer panel with speakers & published authors.
2:15-3:10- Michelle Rayburn, “Life Hacks for Writers: Save Time, Get Organized, and Stay Productive.” Are you juggling writing deadlines, scattered notes, and the never-ending demands of the creative life? This seminar will teach you practical tools and fresh strategies to make your writing life easier and more productive. You’ll learn how to streamline your workflow with tech tools, while also mastering low-tech hacks for organizing your drafts, physical space, and ideas. Time management strategies will help you reclaim your time, reduce overwhelm, and stay focused on what matters most—your writing.
3:10-3:30- Mary Portzen, Closing. Time for final questions and making any last purchases from the authors.
Thanks for coming! Pick up all your belongings, and if you have time, help us clean up!